As an Information Management Specialist, you will be responsible for enhancing the Army’s ability to conduct operations through providing accurate and timely information support within a Command Post environment. This includes battlespace information management, enabling situational awareness and user support in both domestic and international environments.

  • Service
  • Specialisation
    Intelligence, IT and Communications
  • Location
    Palmerston North | Christchurch
  • Starting Trade Training

About the role

For future intakes, you will join the Army as an IT Specialist, before branching into a specific trade towards the end of Signals Corps training: Either Information Management Specialist, Electronic Warfare Operator, Information Systems OperatorRadio Frequency Technician or Systems Engineer.

As an Information Management Specialist, formerly Operational Support and Information Specialist, you will be responsible for information management through the creation and administration of web based technologies. This is a part of the wider communications solutions used across all levels of the Army’s organisation. You will primarily be responsible for military based programmes including Collaborative Environments (e.g. SharePoint), Battle Management Systems (digital mapping) and radio over internet. You will also be responsible for configuring applications, organising networks and drives and working with various applications. This includes maintaining the daily flow of information (routine and incident based), using both voice and data communications.

You will work in a team environment and will have the opportunities to be attached to other units such as Infantry, Logistics, Armoured, Engineers, Artillery or international militaries, to support their communication and information requirements.

Job on base

Your day to day activities will involve working as a member of a Communications Access Node (CAN) Detachment. Within camp, you will be responsible for testing equipment and support tools (web based applications etc.), troubleshooting and solving any technical issues.  You may assist staff within a headquarters to manage their information flows. You will also conduct training to stay proficient in general soldiering skills such as physical fitness, weapon handling, medical and vehicle based training tasks. In the field, you will assist in the establishment of communication networks, both computer and radio based. You will then be responsible for information management within a Command Post, providing user support and ensuring our communications links are functional.

Job on deployment

Deployments of NZ Army personnel will almost always require our own communication networks. As such, Information Management Specialists are highly deployable and are employed on overseas missions and exercises, primarily in support of other NZ Army units. You will manage a range of modern communications equipment, ensuring important information is received and disseminated in the right format, to the right person at the right time.

As [Information Management Specialists] we manage the flow of information, so that it’s easily understood, easily seen and allows the flow of information to work alot quicker.

Career progression and training


Basic Training

Job Training

Ongoing Training

Your trade training includes a mixture of courses and on the job training, and will span over an approximate six year period. Courses to progress your career will vary in content. Trade specific coursing will focus on your individual technical skills as Information Management Specialists. Promotion coursing will focus on your personal communication, decision making and leadership ability. Further coursing will focus on your ability to ensure that the commander can make tactical decisions. This is created by providing technical mastery in order to provide the right communications solutions in the right format, in a timely and accurate manner to the right people. 


Initial posting locations will see you posted to Burnham or Linton Military Camps. As your career progresses, job opportunities in Auckland, Waiouru and Wellington can become available. 

Upon enlistment into the Army you will be posted to Waiouru Military Camp. Here you will complete 16 weeks of basic military training to find out if you have what it takes to be in the Army. The training will include:

  • Organisation and Administration
  • Army Customs and Protocol
  • Drill and Parades
  • Military Field Skills and Weapon Training
  • First Aid
  • Physical Fitness

Royal New Zealand Corps of Signals Corps Training Course

You will start your initial communications training with a five month course at Linton Military Camp. On this course you will learn to operate a broad range of radio and communications equipment, whilst gaining an understanding of computer and networking systems. This primary course is the building block of comradeship within the Royal New Zealand Corps of Signals. 

During this course, you will gain exposure to the five individual trades that make up our IT Specialists. This will help to inform your selection of which career path to pursue going forward. Selections for these trades are based on factors such as your personal and location-based preferences, existing qualifications and experience, your performance as well as the availability of positions. 

Radio Frequency Technician + Information Management Specialist Junior Course

This five week course conducted at Linton Military Camp will teach you the requirements to operate all Communications Access Nodes (CANs) and their radio systems, including Satellite and Cellular systems. You will learn first line operational support within a Command Post environment. You will receive instruction on military radios, construction of HF, VHF and UHF antennas, wide band satellite systems, communication security processes, Command Post operations and information assurance. 

Information Management Specialist Intermediate Course

This five week course expands on your knowledge gained from the Junior Course as well as the practical experiences gained during training in camp and in the field. Configuration of applications and implementation of information management procedures will be taught during this course. You will qualify as a Battle Management System (BMS) instructor, which will enable you to deliver training on how to use BMS to personnel from across the New Zealand Defence Force. Overall, you will gain a detailed understanding of how a Command Post functions and how your role will support this.

Information Management Specialist Senior Course

This four week combines the trade knowledge gained from the Junior and Intermediate courses. Your knowledge of web design, application support and information management will be enhanced to a higher level of understanding. You will be taught to plan, advise and operate effectively in a Command Post, understanding how command/staff interactions work and how to provide commanders with situational awareness.

Trade Promotion Courses

The Detachment Commanders Course and the Troop Sergeants Course are part of your career progression. They are designed to test your trade knowledge and skills as well as your leadership ability. The skills you learn on these courses are then put to use during your day to day work back at your unit and in the field. The Communications Information System Electronic Warfare Managers Course is a more advanced course which will train you in the administration, design and management of communications and information systems. The course is designed to test your management skills and your ability to plan, and manoeuvre communications assets on the battlefield.

Additional Courses

Information Management trade training will include some civilian IT Industry qualifications, including Auldhouse and NZQA qualifications. Adding to your professional development, you will attend a number of NZ Army command courses to enable you to develop your leadership. These will combine to make for a diverse and challenging learning environment within the NZ Army. 

Further coursing, available to NZ Army personnel also exists outside of your trade training. This includes (but is not limited to), driver licensing courses, first aid and medical courses, shooting instruction courses, written and verbal communication coursing and more. 


Salary and benefits

Careers in the Army are well-rewarded, diverse and exciting. As you become more experienced and move up through the ranks, gaining additional skills and qualifications, your salary will rise accordingly.


Under Initial Training


Starting Trade Training


Future Potential Earnings

Figures updated on July 1st 2023

Benefits and allowances

Earn a competitive salary while training or learning your trade, along with additional allowances for time spent in the field, at sea, overseas, or deployed on operations.

In addition to salary and allowances, other benefits of joining the New Zealand Defence Force include:

Access to your Service marae or tūrangawaewae

Sponsored tertiary study programmes at all levels

Free access to gyms and swimming pools on camp and bases

Opportunities to travel

Free and subsidised medical and dental care

Subsidised food and accommodation on camps and bases

Free and subsidised insurance cover

Help to buy a home and save for retirement

Entry requirements



Fitness and Medical


Period of Service

  • You must be at least 18 years of age upon completion of recruit course (basic training)
  • You must have been a NZ Citizen for a minimum of 10 years
  • Complete a 10 year background history check that can be checked with the New Zealand authorities to obtain high level security clearance
  • You must be able to obtain a TSV security clearance (see Citizenship tab)

There are strict citizenship and security requirements to gain the required TSV security clearance for this trade.

Find out if you’re eligible here.

On completion of your training, there may be a return of service period for this trade.

Please contact our 0800 number or talk to your Candidate Engagement Facilitator for more information.

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