Sailors' Stories

Brock's Story

The people you serve with become like family. You can count on them no matter what.

Brock West

Warfare Officer

Tales that struck a chord

"My grandfather was in the Scots Guards. The tales of adventure and the places he'd visited - they struck a chord. I wanted to be a chef, and I was like, yeah, I can train as a chef, and I can do the Navy, and that sounds pretty awesome."


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Being a Warfare Officer took me way out of my comfort zone

"As a CO, making sure everyone is on top of their game – that sense of purpose is what drives me. It really makes me proud of what I do. When I first went to sea, it felt like such a huge and unfamiliar place. But I don't think you get anywhere without being outside your comfort zone."

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Coming home to my family

"To finally have that hug from your kids, and see how far they've come. That's a pretty awesome feeling. What I'm doing is for them, and one day they'll understand that. That dad's going away to do a job, and hopefully they're going to be pretty proud."