Tukanga tono whakauru
Application process
Here’s a step-by-step guide to what you can expect during the application process for military roles. Our process is more comprehensive than typical job applications, so be prepared to invest about 3-6 months for your application to be fully processed. This timeline includes health and security checks, assessments, and interviews.
Pursuing a career with us is a rewarding journey, and you won’t be navigating it alone. You’ll be paired with a Candidate Engagement Facilitator (CEF) who will support you throughout the process and answer any questions you may have along the way.

Prepare for assessments
Aptitude tests provide reliable and objective information about an individual’s ability to perform in the military. They help the NZDF identify the candidates most likely to succeed in training and early career. Don't worry, a little preparation goes a long way!

Our fitness standards
If you want to be part of the NZ Defence Force you need to be medically and physically fit for military duties worldwide.
If you are selected to join us, your initial training will be physically demanding. And later, as an enlisted member of the Defence Force, you may find yourself in situations which are physically and mentally challenging – both home and overseas.

Get Force Fit
No matter what your current fitness level is, with a bit of hard work these tried and tested challenges will help you get into a great routine in a matter of weeks.